U2: Three Chords and the Truth

Adam Clayton Quotes

This page contains an assortment of quotes from Adam Clayton of U2. Click here to jump to quotes from Bono, Edge, Larry, or miscellaneous others.

"It was like - throw out technology. Give us a microphone and a bit of tape and you do the bit in between."
Adam describes the simplicity of recording in the legendary Sun Studio, 1989.

"If you believe in a cause, you must be willing to put yourself on the line for that cause."
Explaining why U2 agreed to play in the war-ravaged city of Sarajevo on the ZooTV tour, 1993.

"It was a pretty special couple of years. I mean it was a pretty mad couple of years where reality and fantasy and everything got kinda mixed up big time."
Describing the atmosphere of the ZooTV tour, 1993.

"With that tour, I feel we really pushed ourselves to the limit. I know that we regained a lot of critical credibility; that's nice but to be honest that wasn't something that I really thought about very much."
Adam on the success of the ZooTV tour, 1994.

"Long, creative relationships are unusual in rock'n'roll, but the mileage and the knowledge and the understanding from having been around with [Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois] for 20 years makes them a pleasure to work with."
The benefits of working long term with the same creative team, 2009

"We spent a year trying to play one song, practising about four hours a week. Then we decided that if we really wanted to learn this song, we'd have to practice two days a week."
Practice makes perfect, 1992

"We won't let each other fail."
The secret of U2's longevity, 2009

"The biggest misconception about me was that I was some kind of wild, crazy rock'n'roll firework. It was an easy image to pick up on, but I'd like to think I was a little deeper than that."
Adam shakes off his 'wild man of rock' image, 2009

"I think it's hard to come to a U2 show and just eat hot dogs and drink a soda, and not be moved by it"
The impact of seeing U2 in concert, 2005

"Bono and Edge can have their heads down trying to complete material and lose perspective, whereas Larry and I can come in with a fresh perspective. It's both a blessing and a curse. Someone who's put in a lot of hours in a tune is reluctant to give up on it and admit it's not making the grade." Adam on how he and Larry act as quality control, 2005

"Performing at this level requires an absolute commitment and dedication. You can't half commit."
Adam on the demands of world tours, 2005

Random U2 lyric:

"Don't try to figure out what we mighta had...just two shots of happy, one shot of sad" - Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad

My U2 ramblings:

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